Coherent plan – future

What do I want to be and feel in the next 2 years? The next 5 years? The next 10?

This was the 3rd question in my coherent plan. It’s a bit odd actually to answer this question last, after projecting plans for the next year. One might assume that the logical sequence would be to project long term plans first. What motivates me right now is reaching shorter term goals because I feel a sense of urgency. Having two unfinished projects is both exciting and scary. I can’t see much beyond that. I’ve written extensively about the near term and that feels right.

Plans imply long term outcomes even if they don’t define them. I want to finish two movies so I can… make other movies, achieve my mission, to explore wider territories…

Planning without long term vision is pointless. Plans are molds for energy to flow into and eventually manifest dreams, to create a magnificent and slightly miraculous reality. Why bother otherwise?

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