And so, New York

I got back from a 10 day NYC expedition last Monday. Here are some quick commemorative pix.

On the way out I stopped at Cabelas near Ann Arbor seeking alcohol for my stove (they didn’t have). Snapped this iconic camo kid mannequin with rifle. I’m proud to be from Michigan!

The next morning, a deeply foggy walk to class at the South Street Seaport.

Here’s some of the Seaport gang having tea. Tommy took the snap. Left to right Anastasia, Phil, Gigi, Moi and Faisal. Both Faisal and Phil are DOG dudes.

Yes, Dave and Darcy are ALIVE. Here they bathe in cosmic energy via Ru. Beautiful.

Me in NYC drag. Check out the Chrysler building all pointy in the back.

Taking a chance on parking. Notice how that yellow line just kisses the bumper? Scary!

In context, with a view of the bridge. Roosted in my van almost the whole time, toasty warm with sleeping bag and composting toilet. Clandestino!

The original NYC digs circa 1983-84. Ronald Regan and LSD in the East Village. Good times!

The obligatory cold sesame noodles from the Excellent Dumpling House.

A jaunt to Philly to check in on super baby and rents.

Here he is again with mystical familiar.

Pimping shades from Crowley on the subway.

Ain’t she sweet? Just another random super model in my posse.

The Cat showing off his authentic calabash from Africa and the big Benzie version from Al’s garden. Kept me up most of the night with his genius.

Despite mad rappers rant, I made it to the Seaport by 8:00 am and then back on the road. This is an actual picture from inside my brain.

Home finally. Wonder why I live here?

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